Mitigating climate change
Climate change, species extinction and pollution are arguably the most pressing issues of the 21st century. Human behaviour has a critical role in mitigating these changes. While business leaders need to prioritise environmental impact, citizens and consumers need to make small, everyday changes.
Reducing wild meat consumption
To address the extinction crisis for Vietnam’s endemic wildlife species, specifically those located in and around the Pu Mat National Park in Con Cuông (Northern Vietnam), we collaborated with Acting for Good (AFG) and NGO Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW).
Encouraging sustainable farming
Traditional rice production methods, which rely on flooding fields, are responsible for 12% of methane emissions globally. We are working with organisations across Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand to apply behavioural science to increase uptake of sustainable farming practices such as reducing chemical fertiliser application, stopping crop residue burning, and reducing water usage.
Reducing fare evasion
LUAS, Dublin's light rail network, is an extremely popular and well-loved transit system. Every year it carries over 34 million passengers in a timely, efficient and safe way on modern spacious state-of-the-art trams. Even though the overwhelming majority of passengers do the right thing and pay their fare a small minority do not, to the detriment of the transport system, the train operator and the millions of honest fare-paying passengers.
Increasing vaccine uptake
In 2019, it was unthinkable that we would all be asked to avoid social gatherings, isolate from loved ones, and home-school our kids. Public health teams around the world have since made all these asks and embarked on the fastest mass vaccination programme ever known. The Government of Jersey (a UK Crown Dependency) sought our help as persuasion experts with their COVID-19 response, particularly around increasing vaccination among its Islanders.
Developing a world class sales process
Norway-based cruise company Hurtigruten is reaching new horizons in Exploration travel. They needed a sales process that reflected this across their sales centre in order to continue to deliver special customer experiences in five international markets.

Applying persuasion science to save public money
Missed appointments in the UK alone cost the NHS over £700 million every year. In the US, the number is considerably higher. The question is: how do we tackle such an important and commonly occurring problem without resorting to punitive, costly and often ineffective economic and system changes?

Identifying key moments to increase customer satisfaction
People typically don’t remember every detail of their experience. Instead what looms largest in people’s memory is either the high (or low) point of an experience and what happens at the very end. As a result, customer satisfaction surveys record people’s memories of the experience they had but not necessarily the experience itself.
Increasing sales effectiveness
For over 50 years, Williams Scotsman has been an innovative leader in modular buildings, portable classrooms, mobile offices & space solutions. INFLUENCE AT WORK was asked by Williams Scotsman’s Executive team to work with their commercial teams to increase their sales success across the US.
Boosting in-flight business
All airlines are motivated to increase in-flight and discretionary sales. But with only a fixed number of passengers and limited time, how do they do this? We worked with a major European airline to find out how.

Persuading people to pay on time
For years, Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) had faced a problem. Lots of British citizens were not paying their taxes on time. HMRC officials had tried everything from sending letters to the late payers, threatening to charge late fees and interest amounts, and even giving warnings of legal action to get people to pay. When these efforts were of no avail, they turned to persuasion experts INFLUENCE AT WORK for help.
“The dream team of persuasion science”
“One of the most valuable learning programmes I have been on.”
“We’ve worked with INFLUENCE AT WORK on a number of training events that have always been of the highest quality and very well received”
“A great approach. I love the fact that the approaches are backed up with evidence